Header painting: George William Joy – The Baywater Omnibus 1895
- Commuter and Transfer Stations in Art and Storytelling
- Train Stations and Platforms in Art
- Episode 13 of the Then Again Podcast: Smart cars powered by electricity? How about your feet powered by what you had to eat! The need to get from one place to another hasn’t changed since an early human first ran away from a lion to a modern human realizing the remote was across the room. In this episode, Ken and Glen discuss travel’s fundamental importance in daily life – and how whether it’s procuring spices from the other side of the world or getting crops to market, you’ll be walking at some point.
- Episode 57 of the Then Again Podcast: How Rail Changed Victorian Era England. “Libba Beaucham interviews historian Sara Snyder on the ways in which rail systems changed Victorian era England. The rail station was a unique place in which people of different classes were brought together. Learn how these classes perceived each other, how rail changed over time, and what we can learn from the buildings, blueprints, and other sources of material culture.”
- Railway history: everything you wanted to know, History Extra Podcast 29 January 2023.
- Myth Monsters: Pope Lick Monster. “For this week’s episode, we’re looking at a horrible cryptid, the Pope Lick Monster from Kentucky, USA. How does this monster convince people to throw themselves in front of trains? How does the park it’s located in contribute to the legend? Find out this week!”
- Riding the Rails to Britt Iowa’s Hobo Days: We are welcomed into the tight-knit community of hobos by a woman named Connecticut Shorty. She shares some history of the hobo lifestyle and invites us all to Britt Hobo Days, a National Hobo Convention that’s been meeting annually since 1900.
- Every Type of Railcar Explained in 15 Minutes on YouTube
- Why Are Rails Shaped Like That? on YouTube
Dr Isaac Asimov, dean of science writers, commented: ‘I am told, though, that so many people have seen objects that looked like spaceships that “there must be something in it”… Maybe there is, but think of all the people in the history of the world who have seen ghosts and spirits and angels. It’s not what you see that is suspect, but how you interpret what you see.”
At a scientific convention held in Baltimore in 1966, Dr Edwards C. Walsh, executive secretary of the National Aeronautics and Space Council, remarked: ‘So many airline pilots report seeing them, that’s why I take the train’.
The Mothman Prophecies, John Keel, 1975