The Lost Daughter is a 2021 film directed by Maggie Gyllenhaal, based on the novel by Italian writer Elena Ferrante (2015). This is Gyllenhaal’s debut as feature-length film director. I look forward to seeing what she does next.
Header painting: William Merritt Chase. May I Come In, 1883, pastel
Swimming without water: Buckets, bins and bathtubs by Charlotte Bates and Kate Moles, 9th August 2022 Swimming stories by Adele Prince, 9th August 2022 In deep: At one with the water, with all that entails, Rebecca Olive, 9th August 2022 She is peeling off her wet swimsuit when the yummy mummies arrive. Glossy and stick…
A collection of paintings and illustrations featuring balconies and view from balconies.
Fireflies are especially popular in East Asian art. All sorts of bright flecks can add interest to a painting.
How to write dialogue in fiction? It’s not like dialogue in reality. So how is it different? How do you punctuate it?
“Cosmopolitan” is a short story included in The Best American Short Stories 1998. Author Akhil Sharma (born 1971) was only 27 at the time, so this is an example of an author writing about older characters than himself.
“The Picture In The House” is a short story of about 3,300 words by American writer H.P. Lovecraft. You don’t have to have read Lovecraft to have been influenced by the work of Lovecraft. The author was a terrible person and if you don’t want to go back to the source, that’s absolutely fine. Guaranteed,…
Thick, dark outlines in art and illustration is associated with several completely different types of art. First, let’s takes a look at thick, dark outlines in fine art, which is a distinctive feature of certain art movements.
A collection of hygge houses surrounded by snow.
Much can be said about fairies but a few nuggets of info have stuck with me as I read about them. Also: Some of my favourite fairy art.
Like the various underwater scenes, snow can be many colours other than white. The colour of snow depends on the colour of the sky, the ambient light. As you’ll see below, snow can also be quite brightly coloured.