“The Apple Tree” is a long short story by British author Daphne du Maurier, better known for “The Birds” and Rebecca. But who doesn’t like a Christmas ghost story? There’s not much ‘Christmassy’ about it if, by Christmassy, you think family, fun and celebration of Christ. Nope, this is a revenge tale. This is “Rip…
“The Birds” is a short story by British author Daphne du Maurier. Alongside Rebecca, “The Birds” remains her best-known work.
The Turning is a 2004 short story collection by Western Australian author Tim Winton. In 2013 the collection was adapted for film. It’s unusual to find a feature-length film which is actually a series of short stories, which might partly explain the tagline on the movie poster: A Unique Cinema Event. I really enjoyed three…
We collectively love stories of home intrusion. How else to describe the fascination behind The Bling Ring crimes also known as The Hollywood Hills Burglar Bunch? THE BLING RING A group of teenagers from The Valley broke into the homes of celebrities such as Paris Hilton and Audrina Patridge, stealing thousands of dollars worth of…
This film affected me very deeply. YI’d recommend The Father as a cross between Jordan Peele’s Get Out (2017) and Michael Gondry’s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004).
Run with rats you become a rat.
Now we have a new King of England, I’m wondering, who was the first? The first King “of England” was Athelstan.
Autumn brings the first frost, migrating geese, burning leaves, and a fine harvest. marketing copy Roger Duvoisin’s palette is unique to him. So how does someone with an established, easily recognisable palette use colours to depict autumn for a picture book called Autumn Harvest, written by Alvin Tresselt in 1951? First of all, worth reminding…
Illustrations of cars across the twentieth century, in advertising, posters and children’s books.
Meg and Mog is a super long-running series of picture books written by Helen Nicoll and Jan Pienkowski. As is often the case with popular picture book series, there is also a TV series. There’s a massive gap between the first book and the first TV show, which was broadcast in 2003, when the original…
Present tense is hardly new: Virgil’s The Aeneid (29-19 BC) Édouard Dujardin in Les lauriers sont coupés (1887) The Bleak House by Charles Dickens (1852-3) Jane Eyre contains chunks of present tense Ulysses by James Joyce (1922) Nathalie Sarraute (A French practitioner of the nouveau roman, a type of French novel that appeared in the…
The Wreck of the Zephyr is a postmodern, surreal 1983 picture book by American writer and illustrator Chris Van Allsburg. You’ve probably heard of Jumanji and The Polar Express, which have been adapted for film. The Garden of Abdul Gasazi was his first. The Stranger features a season personified. The Widow’s Broom is a creepy-ass…
Moira Rose is the dramatic matriarch of the Rose family and a soap opera star, who takes an interest in civics after moving to Schitt’s Creek.
August: Osage County is a tragicomic stage play written by Tracy Letts, who also wrote the screenplay. He won a Pulitzer for this one.