It is vowed that the birds are psychopomps lying in wait for the souls of the dying, and that they time their eerie cries in unison with the sufferer’s struggling breath.
H.P. Lovecraft, “The Dunwich Horror“
Pair Of Goldfinches In Blossoming Tree- by Eugen Hartung (1897–1973)Bird Biographies A Guide-Book for Beginners by Alice Eliza Ball (1867-1948) Illustrated by Robert Bruce Horsfall (1869-1948) New York Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc., 1923 cedar waxwingBird Biographies A Guide-Book for Beginners by Alice Eliza Ball (1867-1948) Illustrated by Robert Bruce Horsfall (1869-1948) New York Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc., 1923 chickadeeBird Biographies A Guide-Book for Beginners by Alice Eliza Ball (1867-1948) Illustrated by Robert Bruce Horsfall (1869-1948) New York Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc., 1923 cardinalBird Biographies A Guide-Book for Beginners by Alice Eliza Ball (1867-1948) Illustrated by Robert Bruce Horsfall (1869-1948) New York Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc., 1923 mourning doveBird Biographies A Guide-Book for Beginners by Alice Eliza Ball (1867-1948) Illustrated by Robert Bruce Horsfall (1869-1948) New York Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc., 1923 house wrenBird Biographies A Guide-Book for Beginners by Alice Eliza Ball (1867-1948) Illustrated by Robert Bruce Horsfall (1869-1948) New York Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc., 1923Bird Biographies A Guide-Book for Beginners by Alice Eliza Ball (1867-1948) Illustrated by Robert Bruce Horsfall (1869-1948) New York Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc., 1923 kingbirdThe Mockery of the Owl, second half of 17th centuryCountry Gentleman November 1938 Erle Stanley GardnerMildred Bryant Brooks, November, 1938Moon landscape with owl on willow trees. by Carl Strathmann ( 1866-1939), n.d.Magpies Roosting by Charles Frederick Tunnicliffe (also a Ladybird books artist), oil on card, 20th cMildred Anne Butler, Shades of Evening, 1904Now That Days Are Colder by Aileen Fisher, Designed & Illustrated by Gordon Laite, Lettering by Paul Taylor (1973)Margaret Tarrant (1888- 1959) ‘Morning Carol’ by 1930sOliver 1998André Bauchant (self-taught French painter, 1873-1958), Exotic birds, 1947, oil on canvas (kitchen towel), 71 x 58 cm, Galerie Dina Vierny, ParisEdna Cooke Shoemaker, 1889-1975, from Stories by Mrs. MolesworthGhosts on the Tree (1933) by Franz Sedlacek (Austria, 1891-1945)Dream boats and other stories 1920 by Dugald Stewart WalkerJapanase Utatama magazine, 2009, volume 13.いなくなった小おに 鈴木義治 1979 Little Lost Devil by Yoshiharu Suzuki