The word shop originally meant a shed or booth for work and trade, like a workshop. Around the mid-1300s shop also became used to refer to a place for the sale of merchandise. The first use of the verb ‘to shop’ actually meant bringing something to a shop to sell. The sense of coming to a shop to look at and purchase things is from almost a century later, in the 1760s.
A convenience store is a world of sound. From the tinkle of the door chime tot he voices of TV celebrities advertising new products over the in-store cable nework, to the calls of the store workers, the beeps of the bar code scanner, the rustle of customers picking up items and placing them in baskets, and the clacking of heels walking around the store. It all blends into the convenience store sound that ceaselessly caresses my eardrums.
Convenience Store Woman, opening paragraph, by Sayaka Murata
Frenchy’s wasn’t exactly inviting – it was lit like a 7-eleven, which made all the plastic seem much more plastic, and the metal seem much more metal, and the naked people on the covers of the dvd cases look even less hot and more like cheap p*rn. passing up go down on moses and afternoon delight in august, i found myself in this bizarre penis produce section.
from Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan
In high school I developed a habit of wandering through shopping malls after school, swaying through the bright, chill mezzanines until I was so dazed with consumer goods and product codes, with promenades and escalators, with mirrors and Muzak and noise and light, that a fuse would blow in my brain and all at once everything would become unintelligible: color without form, a babble of detached molecules. Then I would walk like a zombie to the parking lot and drive to the baseball field, where I couldn’t even get out of the car, just sit with my hands on the steering wheel and stare at the Cyclone fence and the yellowed winter grass until the sun went down and it was too dark for me to see.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
The Grocer’s Shop, Frans van Mieris (II), 1715Anton Pieck (Dutch,1895-1987) – Grocery store on ‘t Havik, AmersfoortAnton Pieck (1895 – 1987)Höllandischer Cacao. Erven Caspar Flick, Johann Georg van Caspel, 1897 art nouveauRobert Fawcett (1903 – 1967) Hickory Dickory Death by Agatha Christiewoman sniffing a cigar by William Stieg for the New Yorker 1932Garrett Price (1896-1979) for a 1951 New Yorker cover, antiques shopWrigley’s Chewing Gum advertisement, published in the November 1927 issue of Ladies Home Journal magazinePerry Barlow (1892-1977) 1936 cake shopHat Shop by John Philip Falter (1910-1982) 1945‘Summer Sales’, Horace Taylor for London Underground, 1926Bakery illustration by Ben Kimberly Prins‘Bottle Return’, art by George Hughes (1959)The Toy Shop, from The Alpha Individual Arithmetics, Book One, Part II. Kay DraperReader’s Digest July 1952 Life In These United Statesby George Hughes (1907-1990) The Saturday Evening Post cover March 12, 1960by Ilonka Karasz (1896-1981) 1938 shoe shoppingNEW YORK, CITY ON MANY WATERS (1956) Friz Busse Fat Men’s Shop on the back coverIlonka Karasz (1896-1981) November 23 1957Don Madden from the book, Estimation by Charles. F. Linn, 1970 shopWonder Book LET’S GO SHOPPING Guyon Brooke Nancy Meyerhoff 1958No Roses For HarryMr Shortsleeves’ Great Big Store A See-Saw Book by Edith Thacher Hurd pictures by Bernice Myers 1952The Romper Room Do Bee Book of Manners by Nancy Claster, illustrated by Art Seiden (1960)Grocery shopping with Junior (Sugar Trail) by Pete HawleyMiroslav Sasek (1916-1980) The Sausage Shop 1966Miroslav Sasek (1916-1980) Hippo Moderne‘A Dublin Fish Shop.’ (c1930) May Guinness‘A Girl in a Chemist’s Shop.’ (c1910) Emanuel Vigeland
Illustration by Achille Wildi, circa 1955Vida Gabor (1937 – 1999) The Chestnut VendorThe Butcher’s Shop under the Trees 1899 Sir William Rothenstein by Anton Pieck 1895-1987 clock shopMartine does her shopping, Published by Casterman, 1964 Text by Gilbert Delahaye Illustrations by Marcel MarlierNatural Food Store by Tibor GergelyOld Curiosity Shop, Dieppe c.1895 Bernard SickertLeonard Dove (1906-1972) shop pipeConstantin Alajalov (1900-1987) Christmas shopping 1949Calling All Girls shoppingDutch edition of THE MAGIC SHOP (1946) Fritz EichenbergJoyce Mercer (1896-1965)1930s illustration for The Magic Shop by H.G.Wells1952 November night shopping windowEdward Ardizzone shop from The Blackbird in the Lilac by James Reeves (Oxford University Press, 1952)Morgan Dennis (1892-1960), American illustrator known mainly for his paintings of dogs. Puppies in a pet shop, 1947A couple of alien slavers disguised as cowboys arrive to Earth and open up an E.T. pet shop in a small desert town where FBI hides witnesses against the mob to kidnap human children and sell them off at alien slave auctions.Marie-Madeleine FRANC-NOHAIN [1878-1942] Alphabet In Pictures 1933 cake shopMay 29, 1954 Illustrator – Edna Eicke (1919-1979) wedding window shopping