More Riddles By Bennett Cerf And More Drawings By Roy McKie
Help a girl out: Men on dating apps with profile photos holding a fish – is it some kind of subtle psychological messaging to say that they are a man who can provide? Like, what’s going on there? Why the fish?
They haven’t figured it out yet that most women don’t like it and don’t find it interesting. I’d rather a photo of a guy that can mow some lawns and put the bins out. I’d find it very sexy if they could stack a dishwasher. Add that photo!
Aren’t they trying to appeal to other men?
They think gross motor skills are of the utmost importance. Show me a man who can paint a miniature with a steady hand, I say!
Boys don’t take photos of each other unless they’re fishing or in a group shot at a wedding so they don’t have much to work with when setting up profiles!
some blokes REALLY love fishing and you should be aware of that before meeting them
It means he’s going to spend a lot of weekends/holidays going fishing with the boys – you’ve been warned
Men aren’t usually very photogenic as a rule. Rare times they have genuinely smiled and have a photo of it most likely.
I suspect that it represents to them that they are a good provider.
I thought it was to infer an outdoors kind of guy.
Trying to show off their hunting prowess. A primal thing. They’d be better off showing how they navigate Coles car park with a full trolley.
Always wondered why no one mixed it up and did a gym photo holding a fish. That’d get attention.
More …….. buy a can of ‘RID’ you will be spending a lot of time outdoors OH!! and what are you like at cooking in a camp oven
It could be that it’s just their hobby.
They’re just really proud of the fish.
Sorry, I only know the mafia connection from the Godfather. If you make them unhappy you sleep with the fishes. Hope it helps…
That’s their personality – fishing
Dead rabbits aren’t as appealing?
It takes a lot to make a can of tuna look good
Arkady SherArkady SherMarie-Madeleine FRANC-NOHAIN [1878-1942] Alphabet In Pictures 1933 fishingHunting & Fishing Magazine April 1935Woman’s World Magazine July 1935 cover artOn a fine sunny day, with the sky brightly blue, Freddy walked where the brook slowly ran; And his line in the water he patiently threw, Till some fish he could put in his can. From A Treat A Treat With Verses Good and Pictures Sweet Dean’s Chromo Toy Books c 1882.Armand Valle for Life in Paris, 1924 fishingTrina Schart Hyman – The Serpent Slayer and Other Stories of Strong Women
Winslow Homer made ‘The Life Brigade,’ in 1883 in the small fishing village of Cullercoats on the northeastern coast of EnglandHugh Bolton Jones – A Good Day’s FishingN.C. WYETH (1882-1945) The Doryman 1938. A ‘dory’ is a small flat-bottomed rowing boat with a high bow and stern, originally of a kind used for fishing in New England. A ‘doryman’ is a man who fishes from a dory. N. C. Wyeth (1882-1945) The Call of Spring Worth Brehm for 1951 cover of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Cleo McNelly Kearns on Mark Twain’s “Huckleberry Finn”
Celebrated, censored, canceled: Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn cannot be avoided. William Faulkner called Twain “the father of American literature.” Toni Morrison explained that “the brilliance of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is that it is the argument it raises…. The cyclical attempts to remove the novel from classrooms extend Jim’s captivity on into each generation of readers.” Ernest Hemingway claimed “all modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn… There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since.” Ralph Waldo Ellison added that “Hemingway missed completely the structural, symbolic and moral necessity for that part of the plot in which the boys rescue Jim. Yet it is precisely this part which gives the novel its significance.”
Samuel Austin – Fishermen unloading the catch at low tide 1831Sorolla’s ‘Valencian Fishermen’ 1895Henry Scott Tuke – Return from Fishing 1907William Marshall Brown – Fishing Girls ca. 1900Myles Birket Foster – Boys Fishing From a PuntNewell Convers Wyeth , Dark Harbor Fishermen 1948 , tempera on hardboard, capturing beautifully shiny fish. Fishing with a harpoon, by Norwegian painters Hans Gude and Adolphe Tidemand (1851)Walter Dendy Sadler – The Compleat Angler 1884. Walter Dendy Sadler – The Fishing PartyWinslow Homer – The Herring NetThe Fish Market in Antwerp, Ignatius Josephus Van Regemorter, 1827A Fish Sale on a Cornish Beach (1884-5) by Stanhope Alexander Forbes (1857–1947) Setting is on a beach near Newlyn, Cornwall
Arthur Rackham from Arthur Rackham’s book of Pictures, Avenel 1979Frog and Toad by Arnold LobelFrog and Toad by Arnold LobelStevan Dohanos, 1946. A fisherman on a log raft discovers a love message.Sports Afield April 1938 cover art by Walter Haskell HunterWILD ANIMAL BABIES 1973 Children’s Tell-A-Tale Book cover illustration by Carl and Mary Hauge (with writing removed)Field and Stream magazine. I’m not actually sure if they’re out fishing but that guy who built the campfire looks like he’s waiting for fish for a fry up.JUNE 1934 BOYS’ LIFE MAGAZINE ~ COVER BY REMINGTON SCHUYLERCOUNTRY GENTLEMAN Magazine JUNE 1934Field & Stream August 1939 cover artHunting & Fishing Magazine January 1935Hunting & Fishing Magazine, April 1937. Sports Afield Magazine June 1943 cover art by Walter Haskell HintonOutdoor Life April 1935 fishing art by J.K. KernanOutdoor Life January 1937 cover art by Edgar Franklin WittmackSports Afield Magazine July 1938 cover art by Walter Joseph WilwerdingOutdoor Life magazine August 1938 with cover art by W H Hinton, depicting a young man spear fishing for marlinNational Sportsman Magazine, July 1935. Surf Casting. Art by Stephenson.Forest & Stream June 1914 Newspaper MagazineHunting & Fishing Magazine August 1934 cover art by Stanley WoodwardFrench magazine, 1930 A woman fishing with her dog. The illustrator clearly conveys the idea that fishing is boring (for women). The dog is more interested than she is.This advertisement from Hunting & Fishing Magazine February 1932 combats the idea that fishing is for men, in the hopes of selling more equipment. Winter Scene for Goodyear Tire John Philip Falter (1910-1982). Three men chat around a fishing hole.Field & Stream February 1944. This guy is freezing cold and dreaming of Florida. Benvenuti – Russian Fairy TalesNikifor Rashchektayev – The Tale of the Fisherman and the FishNikifor Rashchektayev – The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish Illustrations by Garada Clark Riley (US, 1893-1991) for Little Sonny Sunfish, written by Elizabeth Gale,1923 by Rand McNally & Co Hunting & Fishing Magazine June 1938. Cover art by Griswold Tyng.National Sportsman Magazine May 1938. Cover art by Harry Livingston.National Sportsman Magazine May 1935. Two white men go fly fishing in a canoe.National Sportsman Magazine April 1927. One white guy fishing in a kayak.Outdoor Life June 1937 cover art by Edgar Franklin WittmackHunting & Fishing Magazine May 1934. An Impressionistic piece.Hunting & Fishing Magazine August 1935. Cover art by Frank Butler. Maybe one of you boys can use this as your dating profile pic.Or maybe this one would be better for a profile picture. This is the cover of Outdoor Life July 1937, illustrated by Edgar Franklin Wittmack.National Sportsman Magazine April 1935. This guy has been trout fly fishing.OUR BOYS BEST OF ALL Hardcover Book Cover, Renwick of Otley, UK 1948Hunting & Fishing Magazine June 1935. A man boasts about the size of fish he caught one time. Hunting & Fishing Magazine August 1937. Yeah right, grandad.National Sportsman Magazine May 1937, with beautiful water detail.National Sportsman Magazine May 1939 cover art by Gorden E Nichols. A man goes hunting, fishing AND trapping, but mainly smoking, perhaps.National Sportsman Magazine July 1927. The caption reads “Don’t Need ‘Em!” which is a bit of a snub to the guy who goes fishing to chat to other blokes. Other men go fishing so they don’t have to chat to anyone.JOHN CLYMER (1907-1989) FAMILY FISHING – FIRST CATCH – FLY FISHING Saturday Evening Post, June 13, 1959HUNTING AND FISHING Magazine November 1934. Cover art by S. Woodward.Rocky Mountain Boy 1933
Les Minets en vacances, de Marie de Grandmaison, illustrés par Jean Matet, 1920Louis Wain (1860-1939)かしこいちいさなさかな 2001The Mainzer cats – fishing and enjoying a leisurely Spring afternoon. Artist- Eugen Hartung (or Hurtong), 1897-1973 Alfred Mainzer publishing – founded 1938. Eugen Hartung (born July 5, 1897 in Wäldi, Canton Thurgau August 18, 1973 in Zurich) was a Swiss painter and graphic artist.Bird Biographies A Guide-Book for Beginners by Alice Eliza Ball (1867-1948) Illustrated by Robert Bruce Horsfall (1869-1948) New York Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc., 1923 Kingfisher birds on branches, one with a fish in its beak.
A E Kennedy I had a boot-iful catch. A vintage postcard of two dogs fishing. 1914A grim picture of fishing for human heads, in DER ORCHIDEENGARTEN, the first German fantasy magazine.John Minton ‘Two Fisherman’ 1949, with Cubist influence (think Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque). A Cubist artwork looks like it’s been viewed from several different angles. It tends to be unsettling rather than comforting.Let’s Go Fishing by George Bonsall illustrated by Crosby Newell
Header illustration: Thomas Bromley Blacklock – Fisher Girls ca. 1903