Patience (c. 1935) by Charles Spencelayh (1865–1958)Meredith Frampton (1894-1984) Un jeu de patience, 1937 Jeanne Mammen (German, 1890 – 1976) Vera Rockline (1896-1934) The Card Players (1919)Basques jouant aux cartes (Basques Playing Cards) by Ramiro Arrue, 1919Argosy All Story Weekly September 9 1922N.C. Wyeth, The Pike County Ballads written by John Hay, 1912Harry Brooker – A Critical MomentFrederick Goodall – Old MaidWe shall probably spend the evening here with Miss Susan at the card table. Hugh Thomson illustrates J.M. Barrie’s romantic comedy Quality Street (1901).John Everett Millais – Hearts are TrumpsEdward ArdizzoneEdward ArdizzoneLudwig Tieck Merkwurdige Lebensgeschichte Sr. Majestat Abraham Tonelli (Vienna-1930s) – Illustrations by Erwin Tintner, cardsConstantin Alajalov (1900-1987) 1948